Monthly Archives: March 2015

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

This is the week to celebrate the brilliant, the kooky, the stupendous, the inspiring, the one-and-only… I kicked off the party by reading from The Lorax over the morning announcements at the elementary school where I teach.  Here is one of my favorite quotes from The Lorax: I’ll be reading a different Dr. Seuss book to my […]

What I’ve Been Reading (February 2015)

  Here are some fantastic children’s books I’ve read this month. I found the gem The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli, on the shelf of a tiny little bookstore in Middleburg, VA. Several of them are from TIME magazine’s list of the 100 best children’s books of all time.  Enjoy! Preschool (3-5 years): Preschool (3-5 years) and Early […]