What I’ve Been Reading (Jan 2018)

Life at my house has been a little crazy lately. School is overwhelmingly busy, basketball season is in full swing AND we got a Great Dane puppy in November! As you can imagine, my writing and reading time has been pretty much nonexistent this month. However, I did manage to revisit an old Steven Kellogg book that is particularly meaningful to my family right now. So, in honor of our rapidly growing puppy and all of her mischievous puppy ways, this month I’m recommending Pinkerton, Behave!

Preschool (3-5 years) & Early Elementary (5-8 years):

Here’s my sweet, but sassy, Luna Blu. She sometimes needs reminders to behave, just like Pinkerton, but we still love her. Soon she’ll be almost as big as him. There were only 4 weeks in between the first and second pictures! Growing fast!

If you like looking at cute dog pictures, you can follow Luna on Instagram at lunablu4u.