The “B” word…BORED!

We’re wrapping up our last week of school here and as a teacher, I don’t know who’s more excited for the slower pace of summer – me or the kids! During summer vacation, I try to keep a good balance of activities and downtime with a continued, but somewhat relaxed, limit on screen use. When there is nothing going on and no screen to look at, I know the “B” word will come out of their mouths. You know…

“Mom, I’m BORED!”

My typical response is, “Good!” with a smile on my face. This usually elicits a big sigh, an eye roll or occasionally a dramatic flop to the floor. Hey, my philosophy is it’s good to be bored. Kids need downtime, especially in this fast-paced society we live in. Kids need to slow down, breathe and take in the world around them. Being bored can lead to imagination, exploration, conversation, rejuvenation (ooo, I’m on a roll with the “ation” words!). They need time to read and write for fun, create, play, exercise, talk, listen, discover and just be kids.

I found this great acrostic for the word BORED (originally posted here on the blog I Lift Heavy Things) and I thought it might come in handy this summer. I made a free printable for you to tack up somewhere in your house to serve as a reminder that it’s OK to be bored. Just look at all the things that can come out of it!
Screen shot 2014-06-09 at 3.47.51 PM
BORED printable

So when you hear the “B” word, just say, “Good!” and point to this sign! 🙂

I’d love to see pictures of where you’ve posted your BORED sign and hear how it’s going with your kiddos.

Happy summer everyone!

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