Category Archives: Fun stuff

Valentiny Contest 2016

Last October, I entered children’s author and blogger Susanna Leonard Hill’s popular “Halloweensie” contest. She has decided to keep the fun going for Valentine’s Day with the first ever “Valentiny” contest. The rules: write a Valentine’s story for children that is 214 words or less and includes someone who is grumpy. Here is my entry: […]

My Own Library Shelf!

How do you know you check-out A LOT of library books? When you go to pick-up your reserved books and you can’t find them under the designated “W” section for Whitehouse so you have to ask the librarian where your books are and she says when you have too many books… they put them on […]

Santa’s Birthday Gift

Last night at Christmas Eve mass, our priest did a magical thing: he read a picture book as part of his homily! With his gentle voice reciting the beautiful rhyming text, both children and adults in the congregation were hanging on his every word. The book Santa’s Birthday Gift by Sherrill S. Cannon, tells the […]

Scholastic Book Talk – Battle Bugs: The Lizard Wars

It’s time for another Scholastic Book Talk! The designated books in my school’s library will get a QR code attached to them. When the code is scanned by a student using a smartphone, ipad, etc., the book talk video will pop-up on their screen and give them a summary of the book. We now have […]