Author Archives: Susanne Whitehouse

What I’ve Been Reading (Dec 2017)

Preschool (ages 3-5 years) & Early Elementary (5-8 years): Early Elementary (5-8 years) & Middle Grades (8-12 years):

What I’ve Been Reading (Nov 2017)

Infant & Toddler (ages 0-3 years) & Preschool (ages 3-5 years):Preschool (ages 3-5 years) & Early Elementary (ages 5-8 years): Early Elementary (ages 5-8 years):

Andrea Alexander and Danny Moore: Interview with the Author and Illustrator of Sports Biographies from Mascot Books

Many book ideas are born when an author sees a hole in the market that needs to be filled. Andrea Alexander saw a need for books about real athletes that were easy enough for reluctant readers.  Alexander and the illustrator Danny Moore, have created a series of sports biographies that are instant hits with young […]

What I’ve Been Reading (Oct. 2017)

My library book bag was full of great books this month! Happy reading! Infant & Toddler (ages 0-3 years) & Preschool (ages 3-5 years): Preschool (ages 3-5 years): Preschool (ages 3-5 years) & Early Elementary (5-8 years): Early Elementary (5-8 years): Middle Grades (8 to 12 years):

What I’ve Been Reading (Sept 2017)

School is in full swing, but I’ve managed to read a few winners this past month. Here are some great books to read. Preschool (ages 3-5 years) & Early Elementary (5-8 years): Early Elementary (5-8 years): Middle Grades (8-12 years): Middle Grades (8-12 years) & Young Adult (12 and up): Happy reading!

Storiarts – Get Wrapped Up in a Book

I found a website that takes getting wrapped up in a book to another level. Storiarts sells scarves with text from some of the classics printed on them. How cool is this? The scarves cost between $45-48. Here are a few examples. (clockwise from top left) Alice in Wonderland, Black Beauty, The Secret Garden and Frankenstein […]

What I’ve Been Reading (August 2017)

This summer has been jam-packed with activities, vacations and lots of reading. Here are my favorites from what I read in August. Preschool (3-5 years): Early Elementary (5-8 years): Early Elementary (5-8 years) & Middle Grade (8-12 years): Middle Grade (8-12 years): Young Adult (12+ years):